A Bible Memory Verse Station is an area in your home for kids. It is where you set up all you need to help you know and memorize God’s Word. We wanted to set up a station similar to a coffee station where you can start your day in the Word rather than the world.
Bible Verse Memory Station
A Bible Memory Verse Station can be a place in your home for your entire family to have home Bible time whether you homeschool or not. Being able to access a Bible, resources that help them in their understanding of Scripture, and a few supplies to add a little flavor to their day keeps your family focused on the Lord. *affiliate links
Isn’t it interesting that we set up fancy coffee, beverage or celebratory areas in our homes to highlight something we enjoy, but rarely do you see a dedicated Bible area. Let’s work together on ideas to create a Bible Memory Verse Station in our homes to help our families fuel their bodies with the power of the Word of God.
Maybe you can even combine some coffee at your station. Start your morning with Jesus and java.
When is a good time to talk about God and use your Bible Memory Verse Station?
Well let’s see what God told Moses to tell His people to remember.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!
5You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
7You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
8You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
9You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
God still desires for us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and love others, (Mark 12:30-31) This also means not only having a daily focus time together to study and memorize God’s Word, but it also means all day any day and any time that you can talk about the Lord, do so.
When you get up find opportunities to discuss the day in the Lord. It means in all our thoughts, actions and situations we look for God and understand His Word.
Having a central station or base, is just a way to keep things organized and accessible for kids. But you can take the Lord with you in every room and everywhere you go because you carry His powerful Spirit inside you. You are a mobile Bible memory verse station!How wonderful is that!
Why you need a Scripture station
Quick story…. The Holy Land Experience in Orlando, Florida has a Scriptorium. We highly recommend that you visit this if you are ever in Orlando.
The Scriptorium is a building where a large percentage of the world’s Biblical artifacts are housed on display. As a guest, you walk through each section one room at a time to see artifacts in chronological order to their time in History.
We walked through this amazing building filled with Biblical items and each room had a specific focus relating to the time period. By the end of the tour, you see all the work and sacrifice that has gone into you and I being able to hold God’s Word in our hands and homes today.
The end of the tour is not only eye opening, but heartbreaking.
You see the last room of the tour leads you into the gift shop. After visiting so many elaborate room settings and robotics to tell the story of God’s relationship with His people, the last room is a pass through living room just like in many homes today.
Sofas, coffee table with a Bible placed on it, art on the walls, a tv, radio, computer, and normal living room items filled this last room. The rooms people have previously passed through contained a laser burning the 10 commandments on stones as if God’s fingertips were inscribing them and stories told of the sacrifices made by important Bible leaders to bring us the Bible.
But the last room, the living room, was just a walk through many people barely noticed.
My daughter said, “Wait mom. Why would they drop us in a basic living room after what we just experienced?… Something is going to happen.”
She was correct. Something did happen. After a couple of minutes, the room became chaotic. The sounds and flashing lights of all the electronics turned on and made auditory and visual distraction. Glaring tv, radio and computers caused the eyes to wander around the room….. until all went quiet.
Then a voice came over and spoke words that we might not can remember word for word, but we got the message loud and clear.
Do our homes reflect what is most important?
•We have forgotten all the work and sacrifice that was from the past allowing us the privilege to possess God’s Word.
• We have allowed distractions and worldliness a more prominent place in our lives and homes to the point we don’t even notice the dusty Bible on the coffee table.
•Stuff and things take up our time and focus.
•We walk past His Word every day to get to the next entertaining room.
Don’t let this happen in your home. Make God and His Word such an important focus that your children desire to know Him more. Help them to remember all that was done so the Word, Jesus, and the sacrifice He gave for them is known to them and never forgotten.
Supplies Needed for a Scripture Station
We can use a coffee station for our list of supplies needed to create a Bible Memory Verse Station. Let’s see…. a coffee station needs a coffee maker, which is key to making coffee. We need something similar to a coffee maker! That’s easy, the Lord is the Maker.
A coffee maker may put out the best brew, but the Word of God will make the best you!
Psalm 95:4
Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!
If we want to have to best quality fuel for the day served at our Bible Memory Verse Station, we need to know the Maker of heaven and earth. The only way to truly know Him is through His Word.
The Bible is our source of knowledge for life and the breath of the Maker. Reading books written by people can help us hear and learn about life, but true life is found in the words given to us in the Bible.
Scripture is the purest and most delicious substance we can ever taste! Making time for the Word of God gives us the fuel, energy, power, plan and purpose we need each day.
When you have your beverage of choice to fuel your day, you need a vessel to contain it.
That is where a cup is very handy! A cup holds the substance from the maker. Likewise, the Maker needs a vessel to hold His power, that would be you!
You are the cup that holds God’s love and likeness inside of you. When you fill your cup with the Word of God, you are the container to overflow that power and love to others.
Unlike a cup of coffee where overflowing onto others can be a bad thing, overflowing God’s love, mercy, forgiveness, peace and so many other powerful things only He can supply, is an awesome outpouring!
2 Timothy 2:20-22
Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honorable use, some for dishonorable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work. So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
The Maker and the cup are really the essentials. All you absolutely need in life is a relationship with Jesus….you and Him.
Allow Him to fill your cup with Him, and be prepared to overflow to those around you.
Everything else at your Bible Memory Verse Station is added for flavor, fun and to make it fancy.
A coffee station can be as simple or as elaborate as your choose. Taking ideas from these two lovely blog posts, Raisingteenstoday.com and Seemamgo.com about coffee stations can give you ideas for your home place of Bible focus!
Pinterest is filled with beautiful, simple and sometimes elaborate coffee station decor. You can fill a station with multiple flavors, fancy makers, extra appliances and tools to make your coffee station work for many different people’s tastes in coffee. Hot, cold brew, fresh ground, frothers, and other items for fancier coffee styles can easily be found and also become confusing as to what you really need.
A Bible Memory Verse Station only needs what you and your children need for their individual learning styles. But we will say that the more accessible you make the Bible area and the more focus you put towards creating one, will also demonstrate to your children what is most important in their life…..knowing Jesus.
Let’s look at a few items that can help you and your family have a focus area to learn more about Jesus, the Word of God.
All good coffee shops and stations, and Bible Memory Verse Stations need 5 basic concepts met to thrive.
5 important needs for a Bible Memory Verse Station
Leadership and Ownership
Individual needs met
Simple accessibility and organization
Leadership and Ownership-
Someone has to lead this time in the Word of God for your children to thrive in a relationship with Him. We lead our children not only by our parenting methods, but by example.
When our children see how important being in God’s Word and a relationship with Him is, they “see” direction. They see how you handle stress, fear, overwhelm and other relationships by your actions.
It is said, “Actions speak louder than words.” So what are our actions speaking to our children?
Show them by example and lead them to want ownership in their Christian spiritual walk .
Let the kids help in decisions of how to set up the Bible Memory Verse Station by decor ideas and what will work with your family’s needs. Get them excited to be co-leaders and owners of your family devotions and Bible study times. You are training them to be leaders that lead others to a relationship with the Lord. It begins in their own home.
Coffee shops and coffee stations usually have some type of cute signage.
Ground up-
The Morning Grind-
Holy Grounds-
Name your Bible Memory Verse Station so kids see that they have something important. Even if it’s “Scripture station”. Every room in your home has a name. Living room, bedroom, bathroom… all designating what that area is used for. Your Bible Memory Verse Station is an area where you learn, study, memorize, supply, fuel up, and have access to God’s Word all morning, day and night.
Then create a way to display God’s Word in a sign, printable, chalk board, dry erase board or printed artwork with Bible verses. If you have a verse you are focusing on each week, month or season of life, display it as a daily reminder.
Display God’s Word in and around your home, but also create a special area as a Scripture station so that you family sees, knows and remembers what is important. You can do this with signage.
Individual needs met-
We all have different learning styles. You can see the different ways each of your children learn and how they differ from child to child.
We appreciate the VARK system of learning styles.
You probably have noticed if you and your child/children differ in your own learning style. Sometimes you can feel like you are speaking a different language.
You are!
If you have a visual learning and you are lecturing them with no visuals, they are going to struggle retaining any information you are trying to give them.
If you read the television remote control operation manual our eyes will roll to the back of our head. But if you show us hands on how to operate it, we have a better chance to succeed.
The same applies to learning God’s Word. He knows how we all learn and has provided such attention to details. He spoke in parables to help the visual learners. He had other people experience first hand His abilities and power. He knew and knows just what we need to know Him more.
Provide your kids all they need at their Bible Memory Verse Station to know Him in their learning styles. This could be a Bible, a digital form of the Bible a concordance, audio Bible, dictionary, and references to help them dig deeper in their study.
Art supplies for the visual and kinesthetic learners. Even worksheets, printables and games help kids retain knowledge.
Bible songs and worship music help the auditory learner along with hand and body movements for the kinesthetic learner.
Some of our favorite Bible memory station supplies
Simple accessibility and organization-
You don’t need to be over the top with your Bible Memory Verse Station. Having all the items in one place similar to a designated homeschool or homework area gives the kids a place to “be”. You may already be implementing homeschool morning baskets to keep your mornings organized.
If you have more than once child, having items they use such as folders for worksheets and printables color coded not only keeps things organized but personalized.
A system for quick references helps a child easily find what they need in the Bible.
Simple inexpensive items can make finding Bible verses easier just when you need them. Have a reference for your Bible Memory Verse Station to help kids find verses about fear when they are afraid, verses about love, overwhelm and other subject that they face.
We’ll cover some creative ideas for quick references in the “creative ideas” section below.
The last basic need for your Bible Memory Verse Station to thrive is consistency. Working through Scripture each day together gives kids the structure they need to create great Bible study habits which build towards a closer relationship with the Word, Jesus. A daily routine helps kids remember! What is more important for your family than to know HIm?
1 Corinthians 2:2
For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
Visit our Freebie Library for Bible verse coloring page, worksheets and printables to help you forget not the Lord!
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Creative Ideas for a Bible Memory Verse Station
Clip boards are great ways to display and organize Bible verses, references, artwork and so much more to help your Bible Memory Verse Station.
Jars and containers can hold wooden popsicle sticks with Bible verses for easy access. Create a “courage jar”, “when I am afraid”, or a container holding Bible verses about “love”. The possibilities and ideas are endless with a container and wooden sticks. Color code your sticks for visual organization.
Letter boards, chalk boards, dry erase boards, cork boards, magnetic boards… you get the idea. Anything you can write or attach Bible verses to will help make your Bible Memory Verse Station a place to focus.
Bible Memorization
Learning, knowing and believing God’s Word is so important to us. We have written several blog posts to help you with ideas that can also be added to your Bible Memory Verse Station.
You can learn more about our Remember the Word Bible Memory Verse Bundlesfull of printables, worksheets, activities, devotional material and art lessons to help you teach your children God’s Word.
Bible Memory Verse Station Supplies
Oriental Trading has so many Bible related products to add to your Bible Memory Verse Station. We are including our choices to help kids learn more about the Bible.
Books of the Bible
Books of the Bible Stacking Game- These blocks are colorful plastic similar to other name brand stacking blocks, but these have the books of the Bible printed on them.
Books of the Bible Bingo Game- Kids love the challenge of playing bingo, but this also allows them to learn as they play.
Books of the Bible Chart– This color coded poster is a great way to learn the books of the Bible by their division.
Bible Games
Bible Trivia Cards– Card games are a great way to take your learning on the road.
Homeschool and school kids can both benefit greatly from a Bible memory verse station. These ladies have some great ideas for homeschool Bible time. Our Journey Westward shares her daily routine and some ideas to help you also add service projects.
Raising Arrowsshares letter Bible verse printables for preschoolers to also learn God’s Word.
We are big fans of Biblestudytools.com for looking through different Bible versions, concordances and commentaries.
Let us know how you set up your Bible Memory Verse Station and most importantly how you forget not the Lord.
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