Bible and Art
As moms, teaching training our kids in God's Word is our job as parents.
Teaching them to love God, love themselves, and to love others...
is our greatest responsibility!
We can help you with our Bible and Art lessons in our membership
and creative Christian ideas on the blog.
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 6:5-7
Teaching Art Using the Bible
Hi, We're Carrie and Nina, two crazy artistic and creative ladies that have the opportunity to do what we love, encourage kids and parents to know Christ and explore their own
God given creative abilities.
Why Bible and Art
Our goal is to teach Art using the Bible and Bible using Art! We create Bible studies and lessons that remind heARTs of who God is.
After all, the very first thing we learn from Genesis 1 is, “God created.” Later in the same chapter we know He made man in His own image.
Perhaps, part of that “image of God” includes the ability to be creative.
Creativity can come in many forms such as art, music, gardening, dancing, writing, baking, cooking, singing, building, designing and so much more!
Studying the Word of God helps us to know Him more and draw closer to Him, who loves and saves us. Adding a little Art into our studying draws us closer to the Creator who made us!
All of our Bible lessons and studies are designed to help you dig deeper in His Word while the Art lets you dig a little deeper into your God given creativity.
You will find Art mixed into our Bible lessons in the form of coloring pages, visuals, activities and of course Art lessons.
Our Bible and Art Membership!
Take a peek inside our Membership
Become a ReMEMBERer!
We would love to tell you more about becoming a ReMEMBERer.
Access our online Bible studies and resources anytime and anywhere.
Our desire is sharing God’s Word and love through creative resources for all learning styles.

Bible for Beginners
Are you new to studying the Bible and unsure where to begin?
Studying the Bible can seem daunting if you do not know where to begin.
But it doesn’t have to be.
As homeschool moms, Bible study teachers and course writers, we have worked through and studied the Bible many ways.
The best way we can tell you to study is to begin in the beginning.

Bible Study For Beginners
Knowing God’s Word is vital to living. It is how we learn more about God, life and whose we are. Bible study does not have to be complicated.
When you are beginning to study the Bible with your kids, the complication can be where to start, what to teach and how to add it into your day.
The best way to spend your day is by spending time with Jesus.

How to find your God given creative ability.
God could have made the world black and white.
But He didn’t. He gave us light, color, shapes, textures and amazing details to enjoy His creation.
You are a child of the Creator, God, fearfully and wonderfully made. You are a part of His masterpiece and His handiwork. Down to your fingerprints, you are unique.
Sometimes we are too busy, too distracted and too insecure to spend time with our “creative self.”
Remind your creative inner child to explore the artistic and creative world around you and give yourself permission to play!
Discover ways to crank up your creativity in our Art and Creativity blog posts.
Christian Moms and Homeschool

Christian Homeschool Ideas
We are both former public and private school students with parents who were retired teachers.
Somewhere along the way, the Lord took us down the homeschool road with our own children and we never looked back. It changed our life and families.
Are you looking for tips and ideas for your Christian homeschool?
Over the years we learned first hand that our children were each fearfully and wonderfully made by God with varying personalities, abilities and learning styles.
This made our homeschool journey interesting and kept us on our homeschool mom toes!
We share what we learned and how you can homeschool your children to always remember the Lord in all they do.
One of the favorite moments we had with our children while homeschooling, was time spent in the Word.
When you memorize Bible verses and know what they mean in context, you can put those amazing words into action!
When you feel afraid…. remember what God’s Word tells you about fear
If you struggle with feeling unloved, remember what He has done for you because He loved you.
When you feel alone, remember that He is with you.
Dig into Scripture with our online Bible studies to walk you through the Word. Arm yourself with the Sword of Truth by memorizing Bible verses so that when you encounter a struggle, you are ready.

Bible Verse Memory Ideas
Memorizing 1000 Bible verses is wonderful, but if we don’t understand them or know what they mean, we’ll find ourselves deep in worry, fear, anxiety, doubt, and a whole bunch of other undesirable situations.
That’s when we will find ourselves relying on ourselves and not trusting God.
Even Satan knows God’s Word.
Join us in ReMEMBERers to discover the HeART of You
A creativity inspiring mini course to help you find the creative HeART of you.
You are surrounded by God’s Art everyday and amazing things to inspire you. You may even already enjoy an art medium, but never realized it was a creative outlet!
We hope you will work through the course at your own pace and share with your children. He is the heart of our art!
You can find The HeART of You in our ReMEMBERers Online Membership
The HeART of You!

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
Visit our Freebie Library

Homeschool allowed us to be creative in our lessons and Bible studies and to teach each child to their learning styles.
Finding ways to provide each child information in their strengths, challenge them in their weaknesses and nurture their hearts in the Lord was our focus!
We want to help you in your journey too!
Inside our Freebie Library, you will find 10 Reminders for when you feel less than God’s fully equipped Homeschool Mom…. or overwhelmed.

Visit our Freebie Library for Bible verse coloring page, worksheets and printables to help you forget not the Lord!
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