Bible story timeline printables

Bible Story Timeline for Kids

Bible timeline illustrations Creation

Why A Bible Stories Timeline Is Important for Visual Learning.

The Bible is God’s Word and a storybook telling us who God is, His love and relationship with His people. Our Bible Story Timeline provides and illustrated chronological order to help kids walk through the Bible from Creation to Christ and His church. 

A Bible stories timeline can show God interacting with His creation as you read the Bible and visualize the entire story of Jesus. If you want to know more about God, there’s no place better than His Word. Use the Timeline to record:

  • Bible stories of people, places and events
  • Books of the Bible
  • Bible themes along the timeline (love, blood, light, sheep etc) 

Bible story books are great tools to guide you through God’s Word, but they do not always paint the entire picture. Studying the Bible chronologically helps to fill in the places, people and events. Our Free Bible story timeline for kids helps them to see how the stories fit together.

Old Testament Bible Timeline

Creation to Christ

Do you and your kids know the order or people or events of the Bible? Stories such as who came first, Moses or Abraham? Joseph or Babel? 

Many kiddos learn the “big” Bible stories in Sunday school such as Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood and Moses from a basket to the burning bush.

But, inside great Bible stories of hope and deliverance are small little stories creating an even bigger detail of Jesus.

Without understanding the timeline of the Bible, those wonderful stories remain just stories to them. Without a visual, It’s hard for kids to see how the Bible stories connect to Jesus or how they apply to our lives and relationship with Jesus today.

A Bible timeline shows you a better understanding or where God was and is today. 

Bible timeline illustrations

Bible Story Printables Timeline

  • Children’s Bible Story Timeline in Chronological Order of people and events leading to Christ and the Church.

  • 4 free illustrated Bible Timeline pages to help kids visualize the Bible stories

  • Printer friendly black and white printables for your children to add their own creativity to the timeline

About Forget Him Knot

Hi, we’re Carrie and Nina. We are an aunt and niece team of former homeschool moms to 4 kids. All of our children have grown into productive citizens (shew) who love the Lord and enjoy their careers. 

Because all 4 of them had different learning styles and ways of processing information, we had to find creative ways to present their schooling and most importantly ways to help them retain God’s Word.  Our Bible Stories Timeline was created to help them learn and know the Bible, but it turned into a guide to help other children and adults too! 

It is currently also available in Dutch with other languages coming soon!

Carrie and Nina Forget Him Knot

Help your children know the Truth about who they are, the world they live in and who God is with a Bible Story Timeline.

Studying the Bible in Chronological order with a timeline helps us to understand History. According to History books, the world began with a bang and man evolved over millions of years from apes. 

History began “In the beginning”, Genesis 1. From “that beginning”, most ancient civilizations can be found in the Bible. Which means you can visualize History, Art, Languages, writings, weapons and Science while also studying the Bible. 

God’s Word was not put together in reading order of events, or chronological order. 

That’s why it is important to study the Bible through Bible stories in their Historical order. This helps kids connect the Bible stories with what God was doing and is doing in their life today. 

The Bible and History reflect and complement each other. Studying God’s Word in chronological order helps us to understand how every part of world history reflects where God is and what God is doing. 

The Old Testament holds stories that demonstrate God’s power as the Creator and protector of the world. 

The New Testament tells of His humanity, as He came down to earth to dwell with us. 

Together the Old and New Testaments, show us a God of love, power, mercy, grace and the willingness to die for people who did nothing to deserve His grace and forgiveness.

The saying goes, “All roads lead to Rome.” 

The truth is, all Bible stories lead to Jesus.


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Our desire is sharing God’s Word and love through creative resources for all learning styles. 

Bible Art lesson, printables and activities for kids of all ages
free Bible timeline for kids