Christian Homeschool Lesson Plan Printable
We love to organize a homeschool lesson around a “theme” to study. Maybe it’s because it allows a homeschooler to read, eat, go see and do something that makes the information come alive.
If you can engage the senses of all three learning styles with a concept, you have a better chance for children to remember!
But all the wonderful information for places to go, people to see, things to do, eat, wear, read, watch and discover, can become overwhelming to manage.
We designed a simple way to organize your theme of study in your homeschool lesson plans.
Organize Homeschool Lesson Plans
If our lesson plans are to study the planets, you better believe we will find everything we can get our hands on, every book to read or every place our bodies can go to see and learn more about the planets. We spent many homeschool days taking our lesson plans on the road!
● What can we make, eat or see about planets? Star fruit or a planet display made from fruit? Maybe we could make star shaped sugar cookies?
● Planetarium visit? Museum? What does NASA say is happening in space?
● What ways can we create the planets from art supplies?
That takes a lot of organizing and planning!
We simplified a free “theme of study” printable to help you organize your lesson planning around a theme. We kept it grey scale to be printer friendly… why spend lots of money on printer ink when you can spend it on something more exciting? Right?
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Free homeschool printable to organize lesson plans
Books or reading resources online sites to explore, activity pages or worksheets,
People –
Places to go-see-do-
Things to make
Video / Movie / Program
Organize all the resources you need to study your theme on one page! Print as many as you need for each theme to simplify and organize your homeschool!
Christian Homeschooling tips and ideas
Visit our Freebie Library for more coloring pages, printables, and creative ideas!
forget Him knot!