ReMEMBERers Creativity Library Bible Printables and Art for Kids

Instill a love for God in your children through Art and Bible Resources

As Christian Moms
and Educators...

● You’re passionate to feed children of all ages God’s Word all together, but struggle with the “how with their various learning styles?”

● What can you do to instill a love of God and others in your children when the world distracts them from the Word?

● How can you help your children discover their God given creative ability when you are not sure of your own? 

What if....

As their instructor, what if you could teach your children God’s Word and:

  • discover their God given creativity all together
  • enrich their knowledge of who God is
  • encourage who they are with Him and their purpose in this life 
  • strengthen the relationship your children have with God and your family

What if you had access to resources and studies to guide you through Scripture at your own pace and in turn, you are able to guide your children in the Word?

No bells, whistles or fluff…. just creative Bible study, printables and art.


Remembers online Bible studies for beginners

The ReMEMBERers Creativity Library is an online access to Bible studies, Biblical parenting resources, Printables and Bible and Art lessons to help you forget not the Lord. 

It is a resource library filled with reminders, so all ages are rememberers of God. 

The Rememberers Creativity Library is available on all devices, anytime and anywhere.


Bible Art lesson, printables and activities for kids of all ages

Discover Bible and Art resources
to help kids know the Lord

Online Bible Art Lessons

ReMEMBERers contains hundreds of faith based Art lessons teaching Art using the Bible. Inside you will find Art videos to be creative with kids of all ages!

Combing Bible and Art helps the kids with a visual and hands on learning to remember God’s Word and create Bible artwork to display! All of our Bible Art lessons have easy to do videos and printables for kids of all ages.

Bible Art lessons for kids of all ages

Bible Studies &
Bible Art Lessons

Our Bible studies and lessons are designed with a theme or topic to help you connect the Old and New Testament by digging deeper into God’s Word. Studies include girl’s studies, early learners, Art, emotions and so much more!

Bible Art lessons in Rememberers

Bible Verse Coloring Pages, Worksheets &

All of our studies include a Work the Word exercise to visually see God’s relationship with His creation, worksheets, Bible verse copy pages, and activities to help all learning styles. 

Bible verse printables

Bible Verse

Our Bible resources are designed to help you discover details in God’s Word and keep you organized. Included is an illustrated Bible timeline, breakdown of the books of the Bible, coloring pages,  printables and more! You’ll find thousands of printables for all ages. 

Rememberers online Bible studies for beginners

Remember the Word-
Bible Memory Verse Bundles

The larger Bible memory verse bundles contain over 120 printables, worksheets, activities and an Art lesson to help your children look forward to their daily time in the Word. 

There are also mini Bible Memory Verse Bundles of worksheets and printables organized by Bible verse to help with Scripture memorization. 

Theme Bundles of
Bible Memory Verses

online Bible memory verse printables
Bible memory verse bundles
Bible memory verse printables

EACH of the Bible verses included (many available in ESV and KJV)  in the bundle contains our memory tools: 

  • A devotional
  • Bible verse memorization visual to recite the Word
  • Questions and definitions 
  • Work the Word printables
  • Further reading in God’s Word
  • Bible Art Lessons
Bible memory verse printables worksheets

Our Word Puzzle printables and worksheets help kids with visual and kinesthetic learning and Bible verse memorization.

  • Matching the Word
  • Fill in the Word
  • Piece the Word
  • Word Search
  • Word Scramble 
Bible memory verse printables and worksheets

We love to include Bible Art into all our Bible resources. EACH of the 4 Bible verses in the monthly theme have:

  • Draw the Word
  • Doodle the Word
  • Color the Word
  • Printables-  to color and make into book markers, paper chains, Bible verse pendants for a room banner, and Bible verse cards to display around the house for better Scripture memorization. 
Online Bible studies for beginners

Our Copy the Word Bible verse pages help kids with handwriting as they copy the Bible verses each week. We have created copy pages for: Primary who are first learning their letters with our

  • Trace the Word pages. 
  • Primary Copy pages
  • Elementary
  • Cursive! 

Bible Verse Coloring, Handwriting, Cursive and
Early Learning Printables

Bible verse coloring and handwriting printables

All of our products in book form on Amazon are also available as printables in ReMEMBERers. Yes, you read that correctly. Why would we place the coloring books and handwriting books and so much more in the membership? Because when you have multiple kids to teach at different levels, it can be expensive purchasing each one their own book. 

The membership also allows you access to print as many copies for your family as you need. Most products are available in ESV and KJV.

●Bible Verse Coloring Books

●Bible Verse Dot Markers Books

●Bible Verse ABC Learning Books

●Bible Verse Handwriting Books 

●Bible Verse Cursive WorkBooks

As a ReMEMBERer you can...

All ages learn together!

We rely on Scripture. Our passion is to teach to the child’s heart. We don’t want them to just learn facts, information or memorization, we want them to KNOW and discover who they are and who God is!  Everyone one has something to bring to the learning table… we learn best when we learn together and share insights from God’s Word. 

family doing online Bible studies
mom and kids Bible study for beginners

Teach to all learning styles

No two people are alike. Each person is unique- fearfully and wonderfully made by our creative God. You are being made in His image.

Combining Bible and Art opens the door for different learning skills. We realize the different learning styles each individual may have. Some children may even need a combination of methods to retain and process information. We strive to address the different styles of learners: 

  • Reading
  • Auditory
  • Visual 
  • Kinesthetic 

Speak to your child's heart

Because of our years and experience as parents, church and home school teachers, and as present Bible Art teachers, we know how important it is to fill a student’s heart with the Word of God. 

The battle for your child’s heart is real. Life and how to handle it are learned and experienced in the Word or the world. With God’s Word in their heart, the world doesn’t stand a chance!

Teaching Art using the Bible allows your child to express their God given creativity, feelings, emotions or thoughts while at the same time learning about their Creator

Teaching Bible using Art allows your child to visualize Bible stories and themes and how art can reflect who God is, who they are in Him. Art has been used throughout History to tell God’s story and can open conversations to share God’s love with the world. 

child praying Bible studies for beginners

What makes ReMEMBERers different
from other resources?


That’s the short answer. You make the resources in our creativity library work different from other resources because you have the freedom to use it best as your family needs.

Being a ReMEMBERer allows you access to Bible studies, thousands of Bible verse coloring pages and printables, Bible resources and Bible Art lessons to use in your family. You are not purchasing a curriculum, you are utilizing a large and still growing library as you see fit for your children.

Teach multiple levels at once

The Bible was written for all to receive no matter age, grade level or abilities. We do not divide the studies, but instead encourage you to combine your family together no matter their level of knowledge.

Not just one learning style

Many current Bible curriculums only allow for one style of learning. Reading and answering questions or they may be vibrant over stimulating bells and whistles, but lacking depth that kids can handle.We have activities for all type learners. The VARK acronym works best to describe our Bible studies and resources, visual, auditory, reading and kinesthetic learners and or any combination.

Move around the room at your pace

You are free to come and go as you please. Work through a Bible study or lesson at your pace because only you know what each child is processing. There is no book to begin and stress to finish it all the way to the end. Do all the worksheets or just the ones that work best for you and your family. If you are needing to address a certain issue or heart moment, simply search for the "theme or subject" and you will be directed to a helpful resources through God's Word.

Carrie and Nina Forget Him Knot

Forget Him Knot

Hi there! We’re Carrie and Nina, the faces behind Forget Him Knot. Our heart’s mission is to help others forget “knot” the Lord and all His benefits. Read more about us here.

If you are a mom who sees your children off to a bus stop, finagles the carpool line at school, homeschools or is a Christian educator, we’re here to help you dig deeper into God’s Word with your children. 

Are you ready to grow your family in the Word and help them to forget not the Lord and all His benefits!

4 Ways to learn as a ReMEMBERer!

Bible Studies

The ReMEMBERers Room allows you access to the monthly focus Bible study as well as the Bible studies and lessons currently available. Our studies and lessons have pdf worksheets that you may download and print as many and as often as you need.


Between us, we've raised 4 kids and taught hundreds more through the years. Sometimes you just need a quick resource to help you meander through a big heart issue. We created quick references with creative touches to help you find the Bible verse or passage needed. Did we mention thousands of Bible verse coloring pages and printables? ,

Bible Art Lessons

Within the first 5 words of the Bible we learn one very important aspect about God. He created. By His Word, life began. He is a creative Creator and man was made in His image. You have the God given ability to be creative and we show you how to tap into it.Rather than a full course, you can find individual lessons.


When applicable, we will get ourselves in front of the camera, or we will demonstrate a concept, art activity or voice over slide presentation. You will find our Bible Art lessons with videos, worksheets and printables.

Bible Verse Memory Bundles

Bible studies graphic

Remember the Word

We currently have several Remember the Word- Bible Verse Memory Bundles in the Resource area dealing with Fear, Courage and Training up a Child in the Lord.  Help you and your children memorize Bible verses and understand how they apply to their life. Daily activities and printables will help your children learn to learn God’s Word and be pre-prayed for life!

All ReMEMBERers Access

online Bible studies for beginners

ReMEMBERers Library

Full access to our library of Biblical content and resources. There are 4 rooms in the library for you to dive into as soon as you join. 

Room 1, contains what’s happening “THIS MONTH”.  Each month we focus on a new theme and supply you with printables, resources, lessons and art to fit that theme. 

Room 2, contains Bible studies ranging from Biblical themes, Who God is, who we are in Him, to emotions and how God desires for us to handle them.

Room 3, is our individual Bible lessons and Bible Art Lessons area. You can find short lessons to do with your children rather than a full course. 

Room 4 is the resource area. Here you will find Bible verse copy pages and other Bible printables and Bible verse coloring pages to help you and your children forget not the Lord. 

Support and Encouragement!

We're here to help!


  • Because we can all use a little support and encouragement in raising kids and teaching them to love God and others, we are here to answer question.
  • If you don’t see something that you need, we are open for ideas and ways to help children draw closer in a relationship with Jesus.  
  • We email on the first of the month to let you know what the focus is for the month.

Become a ReMEMBERer

If you are ready to dig deeper in the Word together as a family and learn who you and and whose you are in Christ, simply choose your payment below and click the button to join us. 

Pay Monthly

$ 10
  • Pay by the Month
  • Cancel at anytime

Pay Yearly

  • 3 Months Saving with Year Round Access

Frequently Asked Questions

Our lessons contain worksheets or activities to help your child no matter their age, grade or ability. Early learners can use the Bible verse pages as letter identification, sight words, writing their letters, words or the verse entirely. Elementary and Middle school learners can copy the verse, answer the questions, and work through the Word. 

Using the VARK learning style acronym, all learning styles can benefit from these Bible resources. Visual, auditory, reading and kinesthetic learners can learn in their strengths through reading aloud, hearing the lessons being read, hands on worksheet  activities, and even the videos provided.  

The Bible has much to teach us about Science, History and even Language. We like to see “School Subjects” as a part of life and the Bible as our source to life. There is no History without God who began time when He spoke the earth into existence. There is no Science without His breath which created the heaven and the earth and all that is in it. We’ve included several resources to help you and will be adding more each month.

Immediately after joining, you will have access to the current Bible study we are focusing on each month. The month’s  study will consist of 4 weekly lessons, worksheets and activities. You will also have immediate access to the vast library of other studies, lessons and resources we have that is ever growing. 

You have access to the ReMEMBERers Library as long as your membership is active. You will retain access to the ReMEMBERers Library until the next payment is due, so you can cancel as far in advance as you would like. Once you are no longer active, you will not be able to access the ReMEMBERers area. 

We are always available to answer your questions. Just shoot us an email at [email protected] 

Yes, and the tiny creatures that run this membership’s technological end will work the math!

Deuteronomy 6: 5-9

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.


Proverbs 22:6

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.


Matthew 19:14

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”


Carrie and Nina Forget Him Knot praying

Let's be rememberers "knotted" together to
Forget "Knot" the Lord

drop us a line and keep in touch

