There's No Place You Can God that God Is Not There
Our book is now available on Amazon!
There’s No Place You Can Go That God Is Not There!
This began as a book and was a project originally written for our children who were about to graduate high school and journey to college. In both of our families, the older child was gearing up to leave for school. We were both overwhelmed with feelings of insecurity and questions.
“Have we taught them enough?”
“Will they remember God is with them?”
“They are never alone!” even if we aren’t there to remind them?
Okay, so maybe the book and process was more for us.
This began as a book, but has grown into a Bible study in our ReMEMBERers membership. We pray this Bible study will inspire a deeper relationship with God for you and your children. It is a colorful illustrated reminder there’s no place you can go that God is not there!
A Bible study to remind you that God is with you always.
Every two page vignette allows you to camp there for conversation or you can read the entire book in a sitting.
There is a hidden theme throughout the book….it’s YOU.
The main character in the book is YOU. YOU represents all of us who need to be reminded that God is everywhere and we are never alone.
God created the world, designed us, knows us and loves us. He doesn’t need reminding…we do! The character of YOU has the body of the letter Y (if you stood feet together) the head of the letter O, and the letter U on its chest.
Inside the Bible Study

Devotional Guide
We guide you through the pages of the book and Scripture to explore words, themes and definitions to help kids remember who God is.
Bible Study
Each page contains a rhyme inspired by a Bible verse or passage. Every two page vignette allows you to camp there for conversation or you can read the entire book in a sitting.
Coloring Pages
The coloring pages are the illustrations from the book. Print and add color to each page like the book or add your own creativity with colors!
Bible Verse Worksheets
We all learn with different learning styles. Worksheets help visual and kinesthetic learners to better remember concepts and ideas. Our goal is to find ways to help kids memorize God’s Word.

There’s No Place You Can Go That God Is Not There can be found in our ReMEMBERers Membership, an online access to Bible studies, resources and more!