Bible verses about everything and how to handle life/

Why it's important to study the Bible with your kids

Do you know that many people do not understand the Bible and how it applies to their life?  

How do you study the Bible with your kids? Our tips for studying the Bible with kids begins with why the Bible, God’s Word,  is important to learn, know and apply.

  • The world has forgotten or does not know God
  • The Bible is God’s Word to us
  • How to study the Bible together

        …and so much more!

The world does not know God

We have seen through the years of teaching kiddos that many do not know the order of events or basic stories of the Bible? 

Which came first in order of events Moses or Noah? 

Joseph or Daniel in the lions den? 

Was Jesus tempted by Satan in the wilderness before or after He was baptized? 

Did John the Baptist write the book of John? 

Maybe the answers to those questions do not affect your daily decisions in life such as what’s for dinner, what will you wear or what you will drink…. or do they?

Matthew 6:25-

Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?
28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,
29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
34“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Seek God first! That’s why we need to study His Word. Troubles and worries happen everyday, but He is the source of how to handle them, where your strength will come from and is the peace your anxious mind needs. 

Why we need study the Bible with Kids

  • Point your children to Christ.

Your kiddos are going to learn how to handle life, deal with people and what love is…. according to the world’s standards. It is free information and fully displayed in magazines, television and billboards or it’s in their pockets on a cell phone. 

True love and relationship is God’s design. Love is self-less and seeks the good for others. This is only found in the Word and not the world. 

     ● Guide them to understand how the Bible affects their life and choices and navigate their God given emotions.

     ● Teach them God’s Word of wisdom, truth and instruction

     ● Help them to stay rooted in God’s Word throughout their life as they grow.

     ● Show them how to be a light to others. 

The Bible is the book that tells you who you are, your purpose and the relationship God desires with you. We gathered Bible verses that remind you who you are in Christ.

We have a Creator that made us, designed us, knows us, and has a wonderful purpose for our lives. We have to be connected to Him. God is not just to be stuffed into a “religion box”, He is integrated into every aspect of our lives.

 For us to be able to know our Creator means that we need to spend time walking with Him  just as Adam and Eve did in the Garden….and listening to Him (unlike Adam and Eve in the Garden!)

Bible timeline illustrations Creation

Our problem is the disobedience of the first humans brought forth a gap between God and man. How can we connect to our God when sin has separated us?

The Old Testament holds stories of how the blood of a spotless lamb brought mankind to the presence of God. Yet woven throughout its pages is the promise of a future perfect Lamb, the Lamb of God.  The New Testament reveals the story of that perfect Lamb, the Lamb of God that would take the weight of the worlds sin upon His shoulder so we could restore the relationship with God. 

The Bible tells us of how a relationship with Jesus will transform our lives.  So why study God’s Word? Because it will transform our lives.

How this basic need has been forgotten in today's society

● Homes-

Many families are busy and distracted by all the world’s “things”. Bigger homes, fancier cars, more and more technology and being “successful” begin to need more and more of your time. Families are spending less and less time together due to sporting events and after school activities in our fast paced world. Sadly, family members can be in a room together, but so disconnected on their devices playing games or social media missing quality time together and in God’s Word.

● Schools-

Once the Bible and prayer were no longer allowed in schools and school related events, the need for Jesus was forgotten. Schools make rules for kids to follow such as, “stealing is not allowed”, but fail to explain the foundation as to why that is wrong.

The world has now hash tagged “be kind” to one another and love everyone, but cannot explain what love actually is. Both love and kindness are fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are only found in Christ. So if you remove Him from your school, how can you have love and kindness growing amongst your students? Yes, each heart is what is filled with His presence, but the inability to cultivate it in the school hours each day makes Jesus easy to forget.

● Churches

Unfortunately, many churches are feeling the need to entertain kids and youth to keep them interested in “church”. There are so many bells and whistles and less deep study in the Word. Bible verses are shortened to keyword phrases because kids aren’t able to memorize longer passages. Yet many kids can quote lines from television shows, video games and books. Churches with good intentions, are pulling kids out of family worship because it is again, hard to keep their attention, but they are in school for 7 hours 5 days a week.

Schools aren’t catering to entertainment over information. 

None of these things churches are doing are necessarily wrong or with bad intentions. But, have we forgotten that the Hebrew children memorized the first 5 books of the Law, (Bible) at very young ages?

Kids can handle so much more than we give them credit. Their brains are like sponges absorbing information all around them. If they are in school 7 hours a day, then after school activities for another 3 hours, almost half their day is spent gathering up information. Are they being filled with the Word or the world?

The Bible is History- His story!

Important tips to Bible study for kids- forget Him knot

Why Study God’s Word in Chronological Order?

Study the Bible in chronological order to help understand the timeline and how events and choices affect life today.

Studying  the Bible in Chronological order helps us to understand History

 History began “In the beginning”, in  Genesis 1. From “the beginning”, every ancient civilization that has lived on this earth can be found in the Bible. The Bible and History reflect each other and complement each other.   Studying God’s Word in chronological order helps us to understand how every part of history reflects where God is and what God is doing. Also the perfect Lamb of Christ is found throughout Scripture.

Studying the Bible on a timeline,helps you see where Jesus is.

 This is the richest aspect of God’s Word… be able to see how Christ is woven into the Old Testament. God did not leave His creation alone at any time.  He provides a way for mankind to restore relationship through the blood of Christ.

We will understand the history behind the current problems in the Middle East.

– Land issues

-History of where the conflict originated  with Abraham Isaac and Ishmael. Current problems have their roots in the Bible

– Why the civilization of Egypt has 200 years in its history that are not accounted for.

– Why the cross is seen as a symbol of hate in the Middle East.

It is important to know the stories in the Bible because they are not just random stories. They are stories that are for us to learn from and build our faith on.

Bible Stories Timeline

Bible story timeline printables

Walk as Jesus walked.....

The apostle John, wrote 3 letters for us to know Jesus. He also write the book of John and called himself, “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” 

He wasn’t being prideful to cause jealousy in others. John was stating what we too should walk around this world quoting.

“I am the disciple (follower of ) whom Jesus loves.”

In his letter of 1 John 2, he makes a statement we need to remember. “Walk as Jesus walked.” (NAS)

What does that mean? 

Why should we walk as Jesus did?

How do we walk like Jesus?

Those questions can only be found if you walk through the Word of God. 

1 John 2:1-14

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous;
2 and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.
3 By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments.
4 The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him;
5 but whoever * keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him:
6 the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.

How to integrate the Bible into daily life

Life is full of mysteries and surprises everywhere we turn. Some of those surprises are blessings we should be thankful to God. Other’s, are mysteries that only God knows and we should trust Him. 2 Corinthians 5:7…

for we walk by faith,
not by sight.

1. Set aside intentional time to study the Bible together.

Morning is the best learning and retaining hours of the day. If you can begin your day together in the Word, you have a better ability to deal with the world. 

We understand the mornings can be hectic, so a nightly routine may be best in certain situations. God’s Word is a great way to wind down form the day and go to sleep with Him on your mind. 


 2.  Bible verse memory work

Memorizing God’s Word is important, but retaining it so that in a time of need you can remember it and apply it to your situation is vital. When you work on your Bible memory work, walk through what the verse is telling you and how you can you can use it daily. 


3. Discuss what the verses mean and how to apply them to their life and situations.

This is a deeper understanding from #2. We all have different learning styles and ways of processing information. When you memorize your Bible verses, find ways to help your children process it, plant it and know it’s purpose. That could be worksheets, copy work, drawing the verse, or placing that verse all around them when it’s necessary. 


4. Bible stories and connecting who, what , where, why and how this affected the world.

Make your own Bible timeline. You can create images and places them in a scrapbook, a timeline on the wall or whatever other creative way you can make a Bible timeline. It helps to know the order of events and how they affect their life today. Seeing that the Bibel is the beginning of History and where the people and places they learn in History class overlap. 

When Abraham walked to Egypt during  the famine he would have seen the Sphinx and pyramids. The Iliad and the Odyssey were contemporaries around the time of King Solomon’s writings. But it’s important to understand why there is no “peace” in the Middle East. It’s been a long time of war over the same land. 


5. Talk to your children about everything God created and show them first hand how amazing He is. 

When we allow the world to tell our children how the earth was created, how old it is and where men came from, we are forgetting that the world was created by the Word. 


6. Tell you children what Jesus did for them because He loves them.  

You have been saved. Forgiveness is yours to not only live in, but to offer to others. You are loved. 


 7. Make learning the Bible interactive.

We’re not saying that you have to make the Bible entertaining to learn it, but we are telling you that games  songs and movements are a great way to retain it. Try card games, memory games, board games, and trivia games to increase Bible knowledge. Make a dance or hand movement to the Bible timeline to help remember the order of people and events. Learn songs or create a jingle of Bible stories. 

See our Bible Memory Verse Binder to organize Scripture you would like to memorize. For ideas to help you and your children memorize verses from the Bible altogether as a family, visit our Bible Memory Verse Ideas for Kid

Visit the Freebie Library for free portables and ideas to help you and your children remember God’s Word. 


Sometimes, we need to be reminded of who we are and whose we are in this world. There are so many distractions and misinformation that it can become confusing. We’ve pulled together some of our favorite reminding Bible verses to help you remember God’s Word over the world.

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Our desire is sharing God’s Word and love through creative resources for all learning styles. 

Bible study resources we love and teacher's aids for all learning styles

Homeschool in the Woods Timeline drawings are are favorite go to for creating a timeline of people and events. They are black and white printables that you can cut out and create a scrapbook timeline, wall timeline to visualize where things are in sequence.

Dover Publishing Coloring Books are the best things made for the visual learner and the artsy kiddo. The bottom of every beautifully drawn and detailed coloring page has a small paragraph of information. They carry a vast selection of coloring books on every subject you can imagine. Since the Bible is History and the beginning of time. you can find coloring books for Bible people and events and also for the rabbit trails of Historical civilizations, people, and events as you travel through time. *affiliate links

The Bible Project was not around for us when our kiddos were homeschooling. The amount of time and information to create this project is astounding. Visual learners and auditory learners will enjoy the movement and sounds from the illustrated stories explaining the Bible.

Belinda shares how families can studying the Bible together with multiple ages. We love her comment, “Our day goes so much better when we start our studies in the Word of God.”

Bible Verse Coloring Books and Dot Markers Books

Bible for kids and why it's important