It’s hard to believe God cares about Art unless you look at the world around you that He created. Look at the picture above one more time and notice all the colors, textures, shapes and beauty He gave just the birds and flowers.

Looking at the amazing artwork of God tells us a lot about what He thinks about Art. He gave the world so many amazing colors and details…yes He care about Art.
The first book of the Bible, Genesis 1, tells us:
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
We can see that God created, but we also can learn in this chapter some of the details of creation.
God spoke the world into existence and then as if it was a canvas, He painted and placed each detail into place. At the end of day 6, He looked at all He had made and said,
“It was very good.”
What is really interesting about the Bible is that we can read details about creation all through the Old and New Testament. But one of our favorite creation details is found in John 1.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
If you are familiar with John 1, you know that the Word in creation that was with God, was God and all things were made through Him, is Jesus Christ.
What’s even more special about this verse in the Bible and combining it with the subject of Art is that the Word in the original Greek language is Logos. Which is where we get our English word for logo.
A logo is how a company brands itself. Think of some of your favorite items and you’ll know their logo, the “thing” that speaks for the product. What would Nike be without the swish? Fedex without the arrow? You know who a product is made simply by its logo.
Jesus, the Word, signed His name to His creation canvas and no other artist ever born can duplicate it.
But we can be inspired by it to create beautiful works of Art.
So yes, God cares about Art. After all, it is He who has given his creation creative abilities. But it is your heART that He wants most.